Saturday, April 2, 2016

Weather Patterns

It is interesting our the weather these days can have such wild variations in such as small amount of time. Just today for instance one could look out the window and see 3 seasons pass in the time span of just a few hours. People often attribute this to simply, "its Chicago weather" while weather patterns always will have some form of variation as it often is a chaotic system. One can look deeper and see a trend of these wild weather patterns becoming more prevalent. It appears to me that people often overlook the idea of climate change and dismiss it as something that will never effect them when it is staring them smack straight in the face. What people fail to realize is that climate change isn't simply "global warming" while there is no doubt about it that the global temperatures are rising, that isn't to say that warming in some areas are pushing different weather systems into others and causing chaotic weather, both warm and cold.

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